FVSD Wellness Policy
Fountain Valley School District's Board of Trustees has adopted a policy in support of our Governor's priorities and California State Guidelines for student health in our schools. Below is a list of pertinent issues which are of importance to all of us. This new policy is effective immediately.
- Parents are encouraged NOT to send food items for classroom treats.
- Teachers are encouraged to avoid the use of food (candy) as a reward for students' academic performance, accomplishments, or classroom behavior.
- The District will use the 35/10/35 guidelines:
- A food shall not have more than 35 percent of its total calories from fat. (Excluding nuts, seeds, eggs, and cheese)
- A food shall not have more than 10 percent of its total calories from saturated fat and trans fat combined. (Excluding eggs and cheese)
- A food shall not have more than 35 percent of its total weight composed of sugar, including naturally occurring and added sugar. (Excluding fruits and vegetables)
4. The only beverages that shall be sold/offered are the following:
- water with no added sweeteners
- milk
- fruit juice (preferably 100%, but at least 50% with no added sweeteners)
- vegetable juice (at least 50% with no added sweeteners)
5. All foods within the Fountain Valley School District shall meet these guidelines.
Talbert and our School Board believe that foods and beverages available to students at our schools should support the health curriculum and promote optimal health--thereby reducing childhood obesity.